Monday, July 26, 2010

The Race Is On

I have been trying to get to bed by 10pm for a few days now, but different things have kept me from doing it. Well tonight, it is going to happen! The race is on! Clothes are washed. Dishes are cleaned. I am ready for bed. I have gone through my emails. And now I’m writing down my thoughts while watching my taped soapes. It’s only 9:17!!!!

My cake for my very last cake decorating class is all set for class. Alvin got to eat his chocolate cupcake tonight and will have some more chocolate cake Wednesday night when my class cake comes home. I even seeded and fertilized the yard and then watered it. I did a lot today and thank goodness I am definitely going to get 8 hours of sleep tonight unless little people wake me up.

So have a good night – because I am definitely going to do the same!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Good Day

After such a crazy week, I wanted today to be a calm day...and it was.  The boys and I went to the toy store to buy my oldest a keyboard that he fell in love with at a party yesterday. Both boys loved playing with the train set in the store so instead of going to the mall and playing, they just played in the store. It was great!

After lunch and naptime, we went to visit family and were home just in time for the boys to eat dinner. After I got them ready for bed, I ate dinner and went grocery shopping since my big boy will finally go back to school from getting over his pneumonia.

Since I have my cake class final on Tuesday and my son has been wanting a chocolate cake, I made my class cake tonight and made my son a cupcake out of the batter. So tomorrow night, he’ll have some cake and then after class is over, he’ll have some more cake.

I wrapped up my baking orders for July and had nothing coming for August. But, by the grace of God, I received 3 requests today: one for a cake, and 2 for cookies – all within the next 2 weeks. Thank goodness!!!! I was very worried about August.
Well, it’s almost 11pm. I wanted to be asleep by 10, but I decided to scrub the kitchen floor, wash the few dishes in the sink and mop the living room floor. I’m crazy, but at least everything is clean for me for tomorrow when I will only have one child at home to take care of. Woohoo!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

One Hell Of A Week

The best laid out plans can go up in ruins when your child becomes sick...

I was planning on starting to bake my 125 cookie order when at 10am there was a call from my son’s school that he had a fever. So I picked him up and brought him to the doctor and they said he had a cold. So I had to stay up until 2am baking.

I was exhausted on Tuesday because my little ones get up at 6am. Thank goodness I had my girlfriends daughter to help me the next day with the boys because my oldest was sick and the baby was having a horrible day and screeched and cried most of the day. So I was interrupted the entire day. I was able to get all but 40 cookies covered with icing before I had to make icing for my cake decoration class that night. I was able to get back from class and finish the cookies before 1am which was good.

Wednesday I was able to do the details on my cookies and let them dry. I sent the boys with their father to the mall for a solid hour so that I could get work done. My son was not getting better and he broke out in a rash on his body. I took him to the doctor to find out after quite a few tests that he had pneumonia. So we go his prescription and he went to bed. He was still coughing all day and all night, so we were both exhausted. I baked my friends wedding anniversary cake that night and it came out beautifully.

Thursday I spent the majority of the day icing the cake and covering it with fondant and making the roses. Once I finished the cake, I moved on to bagging the cookies. Because my son had a follow up appointment on Friday morning my cookies now became due on Thursday evening…talk about adding on the pressure. But somehow, I was able to deliver the cookies around 8:30pm and that was one large project down. My cake was now resting so that was project 2 down. Now I can finally get some rest. I celebrated my mad week and my baking accomplishments by opening up a small bottle of champagne with my dinner.

Friday TGIF!!!!! My son finally had some spunk in him. My cake was done, my cookies were gone and I was able to get some sleep. I ran a bunch of errands that morning and for the afternoon, I brought the boys to the aquarium. They had a great time. I met with some new friends to discuss potential business in the future, and also dropped of the anniversary cake. My clients loved the cake. I was so happy. They cut into the cake minutes after I left and called me immediately to let me know that it was delicious.

Today, Saturday, I brought the boys to story time at the bookstore and after lunch and naptime, we went to a birthday party of my son’s classmate. He had such a blast. He was happy and bouncing around with his school buddies. The baby had a good time too although he mainly stayed near me. I got them home, fed, bathed, and ready for bed. I ate dinner and then made a batch of promotional cookies (not for anyone in particular, but to get people to see what I can do and possibly order them). I will ice them at my leisure this week.

People say that God only gives you what you can handle, well I can apparently handle a whole lot of chaos, because this week was full of it. I will appreciate my week off of baking and relax…oh! I just remembered, I have my final exam in my cake class on Tuesday…darn! I have to bake another cake for class and make icing for the class. Oh well. I will tackle that on Sunday and let everything sit for Tuesday.

It’s 11:00 and I am going to go to bed. Tomorrow I will update my business blog to reflect my new goodies. I can’t wait to post them! Good night.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Toast To My Friends

What is your definition of friendship? Who do you call your good friends or best friends and why? People tend to use the word friendship very loosely…

I have a good amount of girlfriends, but I only have a couple of good friends/best friends. My girlfriends are women who I know and who know me. I don’t spend a ton of time with them. I might not even spend my weekends with them, but they are supportive, helpful, funny, and they are good listeners.

My good friends/ best friends are less than a handful and are the people I go to first with good news or bad news. They have been there for me through awesome times and God awful times. They are not only people I can count on, but they are people I can also turn around and help. I can give them advice or input and not have to sugar coat it. I am a no-nonsense person, so they have to be able to take it from me straight – not that I would be mean or anything…These people are the first people that come to my mind when I want to do something special for someone or help someone out. I would not be able to stay sane without these people.

This past year has brought me a lifetime worth of struggles. Through these times, I have definitely learned who my friends are. The people who said they would do something and have kept true to their words. People who I can call on and they answer back with no delays. People who not only have supported me emotionally and mentally, but even a few who have helped me financially – not with actually handing me cash, but by pointing me in the right direction when I was at a crossroads to enable myself to prosper to become the best me which turned into cash. These people stayed with me until I saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

So to those very good friends of mine, you know who you are, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me: listening, encouraging, helping, guiding I love you for it all.

Cheers to my very good friends, I hope that I am and can continue to be as good a friend to you as you are to me.

Love you!!!!!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Crazy Night

It’s been a ridiculously hot and humid week. More humid than hot which sucks more. I am anxious because the weekend is coming and my big cookie order is almost here. I am so excited about it and very concerned about getting everything done in time. I really hope that the humidity drops so that I am up for baking over 100 cookies in a hot kitchen.

I went to my first "flowers" cake decorating class. It was great! I have a different teacher than the other classes and she is I think much better. She is very personal and really on top of her game. Next week we are doing a lot of flowers so it’s going to be a very busy session. I’m looking forward to it.

My boys are doing well. They are as cute as ever. My big boy at bedtime, decided to get into a brand new bottle of lotion and cover himself, the floor, his table and part of his brother’s crib with it. I was so angry with him, but after I sat him in time out so that I could clean up, I had to laugh because he looked ridiculous. I have no idea what possessed him to take out the lotion, open it and slather it all over the place.

So that was the crazy ending to my day. I’m going to make it an early night because my boys decided to wake up (and wake me up) at 5am. So I’m going to go get some sleep.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another Party Down

Today was my niece’s 7th birthday party at Stepping Stones Museum. We had a great time! My boys had a great time. I designed the cupcakes for the party and they turned out great. My cupcake order may turn into additional orders which I wasn’t expecting so this is great.

My big boy had a very good potty training day. No accidents, but that was more because I just had him go every hour, so he really didn’t tell me he had to go. So I don’t know really if he’s getting it, but at least I didn’t have to change his clothes.

My little man had a little giggle moment late last night, but that was it. He didn’t wake me up this morning cracking himself up.

The day was extremely humid, but the boys and I went to the zoo in the morning (don’t ask me what I was thinking!) and then back home for naptime and then straight to the party. I hadn’t cooked anything for dinner, so me and the boys had to go to Stew Leonard’s to get dinner. So everyone was fed, bathed and in bed close to on time and then I was able to eat and get my photos posted and call my relatives to talk about the fun time we had.

So it’s after 11 and I am going to join my boys in the cool room. Good night all!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Little Chuckle Patch

Well, I guess I can technically say that I started out today laughing.  At 12:30am, my little guy just started laughing in his sleep.  It was the sweetest sound ever heard.  But he didn't just find something a little funny, he kept laughing.  I got up and looked at him and his eyes were closed.  He was cracking up in his sleep.  His father came into the room because he thought I had taken the baby out of the bed and was making him laugh.  When he saw that I was nowhere near him, he looked confused.  I told him that he's still sleep.  He's actually cracking up in his sleep.  It was one sweet way to be woken up.  About 5 minutes later, he then started talking to someone.  So I then had to sit through that.  Thank goodness he didn't have to talk to his friend for too long.  :-)

It was a very muggy day today, so the boys and I went to storytime at the bookstore and then after naptime, went to the mall to play.  It was a nice day with them.  Potty training wasn't so good.  We had 2 accidents before leaving home at 9:30.  Ugh!  He knows what's going on when it's happening, but he's just not paying attention to the "got to go" feeling,  UGH!!!!!

Well, I finished my niece's cupcakes.  Her theme is the Princess and The Frog.  I hope she likes them!  I do.  :-)  We'll be joining her at her 7th birthday party tomorrow afternoon.  It should be a lot of fun.

I just covered my little one's legs with his light blanket and he started laughing.  I guess he will be cracking me up tomorrow morning too.  So with that said, I am off to bed.  hopefully it won't be too hot tomorrow.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What A Difference A Few Degrees Makes

Now I know it’s not that cool outside, but compared to the last few days of being in the 90’s today feels like it’s in the 70’s! I had so much energy today it was great!

I made my flowers for my niece’s cupcakes and her toppers came in so all I need is the cupcakes saturday afternoon and we’re all set!

My big guy went to his ENT this morning and he got a thumbs up. He seems to be back to his normal super-active self (watch out world!). I brought the little one outside for a while today to play in the nice weather. It was great to turn off the a/c. I have a very scratchy throat today I’m assuming from sleeping under the ceiling fan. Ugh! I just took a zyrtec, so we’ll see if it does anything.

I found some labels to use for my cookies. Now I just have to check out Staples and Office Max to see if I can get them cheaper there instead of online.

I am looking forward to watching Raising Sextuplets. I love that show. I find it fascinating to see how parents handle so many children. I usually get tips for handling my two little guys. I used to watch Jon and Kate Plus Eight, but we all know what happened there…To me, shows with multiples give moms like me a sense that if they can do it, we can do it. It’s great motivation.

Well, it’s almost 10pm, the munchkins are asleep and my show is about to come on. Yes, dad is out again. It was actually cool enough tonight for me to finally eat some ice cream! YUMMMM! (I don’t like eating ice cream when it’s extremely hot because it melts and then I’m eating milk – yuck!) So tonight, I might actually sleep in my own bed. LOL!!!!!

Hopefully tomorrow will be as cool as today – if not cooler. I really needed the break from the heat!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Productive Day

Today was a very good day.

My oldest son said to me after eating his breakfast “I want pancakes now!” I cracked up laughing because this meant that he was feeling much better. So I asked his father to bring him to McDonalds for their pancakes since his favorite pancake place was too far to go to this morning.

My little guy was his normal happy-go-lucky self. He loves to now stand on toys to reach up on top of shelves to get things. He hands me his shoes and likes it when I say “shoes”. He thinks that this means he’s going outside every time I say it. If I put the shoe back, he throws a fit, so I actually have to put the one shoe on him and then he’s okay. It’s too funny!!!

I got a phone call from a company that is interested in me doing appointment setting telemarketing from home 20 hours a week which isn’t bad. It starts out commissioned based but then turns into hourly. I told them I could start the beginning of August (because of the orders I have for this month) because there is a lot of training I have to do before starting to call people. So I have to consider if this position is worth it.  It is taking time away from my son to contact people and initially, it is only commission.

I just confirmed my cake price which is great. That will help me with my lack of stimulus money a little bit. I also am getting close to settle my car accident case with the other person’s insurance which I hope I will conclude no later than next week and put that check in the bank.

I did go and get my nails done. FINALLY!!!!! They are a HOT neon pink. I have never in my life work such bright colors but I figured that I am not working and don’t have an interview, so why not!?!?!?!? 

After my oldest son had a good day at school, I brought him and his brother to get their hair cut. My little guy was going to get his first low hair cut which would make him look more like a boy and not a baby. He cried through the whole experience, but he looked adorable afterwards. Now the real test will be tomorrow morning when I forget about his cut and I look at him for the first time in the morning. Then I will know if I am happy with his new cut.

Big brother is having sleep issues. He’s been up all week until after 9pm. I don’t know what’s going on, if it’s the whole back to school and in a new classroom thing or what. He wakes up at 6am like normal, but there is something going on that he’s not tired at 8pm anymore. I can’t figure it out.

Well, it is actually 11pm and I am going to go to bed. Yes, it’s just me and the 2 munchkins again. The only reason I am up so late is because I made some icing to make my niece’s flowers on her cupcakes for Friday. They need to sit for a day to get hard. So tomorrow morning, I can simply focus on making flowers while my little one is taking his morning nap. Let the fun begin!!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Getting Organized

First of all, did I mention I HATE THE SUMMER????

Anywho, I was very productive this morning after dropping my son off at daycare. In addition to hitting a bunch of stores, I finally bought my wall calendar - and thank goodness I did! I put in all of my baking requests for July and they are almost all on top of one another! I almost missed a critical deadline for a cupcake order for Sunday – not that it is actually my fault, the customer didn’t contact me with confirmation of my ideas for the cupcake design nor quantity of cupcakes. So I followed up with her so that I could place my cupcake topper request which was the critical part. I was finally given a quantity and ordered the toppers and the cupcakes so that is one order down.

A cookie order came through today for my godson whose birthday is coming up while he’s away at music camp. So I just ordered cookie cutters to handle that order. I PRAY that this heat wave ends soon because it is going to be awful if I have to design these cookies in 90+ degree weather!

I think I’ve figured out my first cake design. I just have to figure out pricing. I asked one of the ladies on my cookie forum what she’d charge for my idea so that I could get a ballpark figure from a professional.

And finally, I laid out my large cookie order and emailed my friend for a babysitter request so that I can get that order done with minimal interruptions by my little guy.

Thank goodness I got that calendar this morning - and for only $3!!!

My big guy had a horrible morning at school today. He cried most of the morning, slept for 3 hours and then was fine in the afternoon. I think he’ll be okay tomorrow since he settled down. He didn’t do too well with potty training at school either, but oh well. I am not going back to pull ups.

My little guy had a good day. He’s such a cutie! I think he likes having his personal time back without big brother being around so much.

Well, it’s 9pm on the nose and I’m not sleepy, but I’m too hot to stay in this room and type. So goodnight and may it be cooler for us all tomorrow!

Monday, July 5, 2010

I Hate The Summer!

I hate the summer! I can’t say it enough. I hate the hazy, hot and humid days. I hate sitting perfectly still and still sweating. I also hate having things to do and not feeling up to doing them. I am a doer and a multi-tasker so to REALLY not want to do things on my to-do list really angers me. I am very thankful that I don’t have to do any cookies or cupcakes this week. It was a 97 degree day today and it will be hot all week. Ugh!!! I have a lot of running around to do tomorrow and I already don’t feel like doing it.

The boys and I had a very low-key day today. We went to the zoo and after naptime, we played in the kiddie pool in the back yard. The boys loved it and I had fun watching them enjoy the pool and water mat. I couldn’t’ believe that my little one after about 30 minutes actually got into the pool.

Tomorrow is my older son’s first day in his new classroom as well as getting back into his normal routine. I am hoping all goes well and he makes it through the day because I have so much to get done tomorrow that it will be difficult to rush to the school to get him and handle both boys and their schedules and my tasks. He seems to be almost back to normal since the surgery which is great. Potty training wasn’t as great today. He was drinking about 3 times as much fluids today (which was a wonderful thing that he’s getting back to his old self) but it resulted in a few accidents. I was so bummed. He just doesn’t care that he’s wet and I don’t get it. So he had no rewards all day because he didn’t tell me he had to go at all. It wasn’t a good potty training day at all. I am still not going to go back to pull ups. He’s got to get it. I did go out this evening with the boys after their dinner and bath and bought the big guy some additional shorts to change into this week should he continue to have bad days at school.

Well, it’s only 9:15pm and I am ready for bed. I am calling it a night. There’s nothing on tv and I am just too hot in this house. I’m going to chill with the boys – literally!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Well, it’s a Sunday night, the 4th of July and at 9pm, I am just about done for the night (just have a load of clothes to fold and put away). My munchkins are in bed, their father is about to leave and the house will be quiet yet again.

The family had a very good day today. We went to the aquarium and then to Stew Leonards, back home for naps and then visited family for the afternoon. We were then back home for dinner and bed. Since it will be another 90 degree day tomorrow, I took out the kiddie pool and blew that up and cleaned it out so that tomorrow morning all I need to do it put water in it. I can’t wait to see the boys in the pool!

I got a message from my friend/client that the 4th of July cookies were a big hit and people wanted my business card. I am so happy that my name is circulating!!!!! Word of mouth is so important in this business and it is extremely crucial for me this summer before school starts.

I’m supposed to start my last cake decorating class on Tuesday, but the teacher has a personal issue and cancelled the first class and extended the times on the other three classes. Unfortunately, she is starting the classes 30 minutes earlier and I barely make it to the 6pm class as it is. So I will be late for every class…oh well, there’s nothing I can do.

Tomorrow is my big guy’s last day at home. He goes back to school on Tuesday and he’s moving into the “older 3” year old room with his 2 good friends (which makes no sense since they are all 3 years and 2-3 weeks old). They are not older 3’s at all. But anyway, I’m hoping he does well in his new room. He had a pretty good potty training day today. He had 2 accidents, but one was my fault. I should have made him go to the bathroom before leaving the aquarium and I didn’t and he fell asleep. So that one was no big deal. I hope that tomorrow he will more so tell me that he has to go versus me telling him to go. That way I know that he’s got it. We’ll soon see.

Well, that’s about it for me. A nice quiet relaxing early night in with my handsome boys. What a great way to end the holiday!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Today Was A Good Day

I'm extremely tired, so this will be somewhat short and sweet...

I decided that this 4th of July weekend, I would potty train my 3 year old son. He's totally familiar with the potty, he just gets so focused on what he's doing that he doesn't realize that he has to go to the bathroom. So I decided this morning that he was going to wear big boy underwear going forward. I decided to do this while he's still recuperating from having his tonsils out and ear tubes put in. He didn't handle the surgery too well, so instead of being home for only a week, he was home for about 2 weeks. But now he's doing much better, so I figured before he goes back to school, let me get him trained. Today went extremely well! He let me know a few times that he had to go and when I asked him to go he went. He was dry the whole day! I did use Oreo sticks and mini-m&m's as rewards, but they worked! I am hoping that tomorrow goes just as well...

I took my boys to the beach this afternoon and it was the perfect day...not too hot, not too breezy. For a moment, my children just quietly played independently in the sand and I just took in the moment. It was a beautiful thing. I felt such peace being with them with the sound of the ocean in the background. It was pure heaven.

On a business note, my client/friend really loved her cookies for the 4th of July. She gave one to her son right away and he loved it. As he was eating it, she let me know that if he liked it, it must be good because he doesn't eat just anything. I felt so under pressure at that moment, but I had already passed the taste test! It was a great moment. Then she asked me to make a cake for her 6th wedding anniversary. This is my first cake request. I am so nervous and excited! I just don't know what to do!

This summer is extremely important for my businesses because I need to get my name out there. With school quickly coming in the fall, I am not going to have a lot of time to promote my businesses. So the orders are actually coming in this summer and I am just overjoyed - and blessed! Usually, when I hit a good financial streak, there is a downfall just around the the saying the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...I'm really hoping that he doesn't take any of this away. I really need the income!

Now I am sitting here with a silent house. My children are sleeping hard and their father is out somewhere doing something. So I am going to join the 2 little loves of my life in their perfectly cooled air conditioned room and fall asleep before it gets too late. The lavender smell of their room after they've had a bath is so relaxing, I sometimes like to go in their rooms when their sleeping and just inhale the wonderful scent. I can't wait to get in there!

Today was a good day.

In The Beginning

I have been thinking of creating a blog for a while now.  The problem has been that I just never had the time to sit down and create one.  As my blog name indicates, I am a very busy mom.

I am a mother of 2 beautiful boys ages just turned 3, and 16 months. I was a marketing manager for 15 years until I was laid off in 2009, 1 week after having my second son (talk about a reason to have post partum depression!). After a year of job searching with a newborn at home and a toddler in daycare, I decided to stop waiting for a job and to go out into the world and make things happen for myself. I started taking classes in January of 2010 at our local community college taking up Early Childhood Education so that I could possibly open up my own daycare and never have to worry about being laid off ever again. During the semester, very good friends of mine needed marketing help so I decided to become a freelance marketing manager. This idea quickly turned into me launching my own marketing business. I love planning events so I decided to also launch an event planning thought was to go through all of the red tape and paperwork at the same time and just get it over with.

So here I am near midterm time launching 2 businesses. As I was getting my paperwork notarized, I was asked what my event planning business did. I explained and on the spot, I had a client. I didn't even have a legal name and I already have a client! And she wanted cupcakes with a Yo Gabba Gabba theme. Well, I couldn't pass that up as my two boys are into that show. The paperwork was processed, I had two legal businesses and I planned my first official party and actually created customized cupcakes with the faces of the 5 Yo Gabba Gabba characters. They were a huge hit. I shared the photos with friends and that turned into additional orders for customized cupcakes!

As my school semester ended, I was exhausted from studying for three classes and trying to take care of a one year old and trying to find a job and trying to run a household and still having a toddler home when school it out and trying to get marketing done for my two clients and trying to schedule and execute cupcake orders.

As soon as classes ended, I decided to take a cake decorating class to learn tips on how to work with fondant for a Ben 10 cupcake order. It was a great class and I decided to take the other two Wilton classes to let me have a moment to do something I enjoy while I learn the tools of the trade of working with cakes and cupcakes.

Somehow due to my Facebook postings of my cupcakes, my event planning business took a left turn into a cupcake decorating business and I then stumbled into the sugar cookie world. I joined a cookie forum of professional cookie decorators from all over the world and I became extremely excited about this new venture. I created cupcakes with cookie stars for my son's birthday party and after posting those photos, my cookie business picked up.

So I am now a mother of two boys who is in the last month of cake decorating classes who has a marketing business and an event planning, cupcake & cookie decorating business who is still job searching and about to be enrolled for the fall semester of school. Now you know why I call myself The Very Busy Mom.

I hope you enjoy my posts and thank you for joining me on the journey of my very busy life!