Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Toast To My Friends

What is your definition of friendship? Who do you call your good friends or best friends and why? People tend to use the word friendship very loosely…

I have a good amount of girlfriends, but I only have a couple of good friends/best friends. My girlfriends are women who I know and who know me. I don’t spend a ton of time with them. I might not even spend my weekends with them, but they are supportive, helpful, funny, and they are good listeners.

My good friends/ best friends are less than a handful and are the people I go to first with good news or bad news. They have been there for me through awesome times and God awful times. They are not only people I can count on, but they are people I can also turn around and help. I can give them advice or input and not have to sugar coat it. I am a no-nonsense person, so they have to be able to take it from me straight – not that I would be mean or anything…These people are the first people that come to my mind when I want to do something special for someone or help someone out. I would not be able to stay sane without these people.

This past year has brought me a lifetime worth of struggles. Through these times, I have definitely learned who my friends are. The people who said they would do something and have kept true to their words. People who I can call on and they answer back with no delays. People who not only have supported me emotionally and mentally, but even a few who have helped me financially – not with actually handing me cash, but by pointing me in the right direction when I was at a crossroads to enable myself to prosper to become the best me which turned into cash. These people stayed with me until I saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

So to those very good friends of mine, you know who you are, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me: listening, encouraging, helping, guiding I love you for it all.

Cheers to my very good friends, I hope that I am and can continue to be as good a friend to you as you are to me.

Love you!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Awe - I love this post! I feel the same way, especially as a woman of a certain age (oh-kay, how you doin Wendy?!) I think as we get older we start to really evaluate who our "true" friends are, and why. People come in and out of our lives for a reason. We may not spend every waking hour with our "true" friends. Heck, I'm lucky if I see my good friends once every few weeks! But we can always pick up right where we left off. I also know that they are there for me if and when I need them and that they care. That speaks volumes.
    I have three very good friends that I've known since kindergarten. Yes, kindergarten!! Despite college, moving, marriage & kids, we've managed to stay connected. It's awesome.
    Love you too T-woman!!!!!!!! :)
