Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Productive Day

Today was a very good day.

My oldest son said to me after eating his breakfast “I want pancakes now!” I cracked up laughing because this meant that he was feeling much better. So I asked his father to bring him to McDonalds for their pancakes since his favorite pancake place was too far to go to this morning.

My little guy was his normal happy-go-lucky self. He loves to now stand on toys to reach up on top of shelves to get things. He hands me his shoes and likes it when I say “shoes”. He thinks that this means he’s going outside every time I say it. If I put the shoe back, he throws a fit, so I actually have to put the one shoe on him and then he’s okay. It’s too funny!!!

I got a phone call from a company that is interested in me doing appointment setting telemarketing from home 20 hours a week which isn’t bad. It starts out commissioned based but then turns into hourly. I told them I could start the beginning of August (because of the orders I have for this month) because there is a lot of training I have to do before starting to call people. So I have to consider if this position is worth it.  It is taking time away from my son to contact people and initially, it is only commission.

I just confirmed my cake price which is great. That will help me with my lack of stimulus money a little bit. I also am getting close to settle my car accident case with the other person’s insurance which I hope I will conclude no later than next week and put that check in the bank.

I did go and get my nails done. FINALLY!!!!! They are a HOT neon pink. I have never in my life work such bright colors but I figured that I am not working and don’t have an interview, so why not!?!?!?!? 

After my oldest son had a good day at school, I brought him and his brother to get their hair cut. My little guy was going to get his first low hair cut which would make him look more like a boy and not a baby. He cried through the whole experience, but he looked adorable afterwards. Now the real test will be tomorrow morning when I forget about his cut and I look at him for the first time in the morning. Then I will know if I am happy with his new cut.

Big brother is having sleep issues. He’s been up all week until after 9pm. I don’t know what’s going on, if it’s the whole back to school and in a new classroom thing or what. He wakes up at 6am like normal, but there is something going on that he’s not tired at 8pm anymore. I can’t figure it out.

Well, it is actually 11pm and I am going to go to bed. Yes, it’s just me and the 2 munchkins again. The only reason I am up so late is because I made some icing to make my niece’s flowers on her cupcakes for Friday. They need to sit for a day to get hard. So tomorrow morning, I can simply focus on making flowers while my little one is taking his morning nap. Let the fun begin!!!!!

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